Window of opportunity to control the cholera epidemic in Haiti

A total of 56,580 suspected cholera cases have been reported in Haiti since the current epidemic started in October 2022. With less than 100 new cases per day nationwide, the current context represents a window of opportunity to control the epidemic using a targeted and rapid response approach.

The current cholera epidemic in Haiti has continued since October 2, 2022 when the Ministry of Public Health and Population reported two confirmed cases in Port-au-Prince (1). This cholera resurgence started in the context of a complex humanitarian crisis with major socio-political unrest (2). At that time, fuel shortages impeded the response, challenging the provision of urgently needed safe drinking water and healthcare services (3–5).

As of July 26, 2023, a total of 56,580 suspected cholera cases, 567 hospital deaths and 247 community deaths have been reported in the country during the current epidemic. The most affected group is children 1-4 years of age followed by 5-9-year-olds (6).

This epidemic has been characterized by an initial peak in early-November 2022 (nearly 500 cases reported per day) followed by a gradual decline in daily cases until early June 2023. A second peak occurred in mid-June 2023, with approximately 350 cases reported per day (6).

The epidemic has been widespread reaching every department in the country. Currently, the majority of recent suspected cases have been reported in Ouest, Artibonite, Centre, Nord and Sud-Est (6). The epidemic has also spread into neighboring Dominican Republic (7).

The current epidemiological context, with less than 100 new cases per day nationwide, represents a window of opportunity to control the epidemic using a targeted and rapid response approach similar to that used to stop the previous epidemic in 2019 (8).


1-OCHA. Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update (26 September - 2 October 2022) as of 3 October [Internet]. 2022 Oct. Available from:
2-ACAPS. Crisis In Sight Weekly Picks, 5 October 2022 [Internet]. 2022 Oct. Available from:
3-UNICEF. UNICEF Haiti Cholera Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 - Reporting Period: 2 - 6 October 2022 [Internet]. 2022 Oct. Available from:
4-ECHO. Haiti – Cholera outbreak (DG ECHO, DG ECHO Partners, Ministry of Health, WHO/PAHO, MSF, NGOs, Media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 4 October 2022) [Internet]. 2022 Oct. Available from:

5-UNICEF. Amidst insecurity in Haiti, new cholera upsurge puts 1.2 million children at risk [Internet]. 2022 Oct. Available from:
6-MSPP. SITUATION ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE DU CHOLÉRA, 25 JUILLET 2023, HAÏTI [Internet]. 2023 Jul. Available from:

7-PAHO/WHO. Cholera outbreak in Hispaniola 2023 - Situation Report 15 - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization [Internet]. 2023 Feb [cited 2023 Aug 5]. Available from:
8-Rebaudet S, Bulit G, Gaudart J, Michel E, Gazin P, Evers C, et al. The case-area targeted rapid response strategy to control cholera in Haiti: a four-year implementation study. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2019;13(4):e0007263–e0007263.